IKEA Recipes
Get a taste for IKEA recipes and discover a fusion of delicious flavors. All recipes in this page use items from IKEAs Swedish Food Market.
Why do I have an entire section about IKEA on my blog? Here is a little history to satisfy your curiosity.
In 2015, I travelled to IKEA to the Democratic Design Days with IKEAs Marketing Manager Jehan (pictured above). As a brand ambassador for Jordan, I was lucky enough to visit IKEA1 and the IKEA Museum that was set to open in 2016. I learned so much more about one of my favorite brands.
The funny thing is, out of all interviews I managed to make that day, it was with a kitchen designer. What a day! Fast forward five years, I decided to continue my partnership and ambassadorship with IKEA with a twist. It wasn’t just about design. It is also about food which I clearly enjoy.
So in this section you will find recipes using items you can purchase from your local IKEA Swedish food market, anywhere in the world. Enjoy!